Chapter Info

Chapter 67 of the Society of Broadcast Engineers serves DFW, North Texas and beyond.
We are dedicated to helping each other both professionally and personally and have been an active SBE Chapter since 1979.
Meetings are held on the last Thursday of every month except in November and December around the holidays. Details of our next meeting are always listed on the Home Page – and you are welcome at any of our meetings.

Bring a friend or colleague and learn.
Our meetings are FREE, casual and open to anyone interested in a better future in Radio, TV, Audio/Video Production, IT and all the related fields. SBE Membership is not required (but you’ll probably want to join eventually) – and we all get together on the last Thursday of each month.

The following Officers were Elected to Chapter 67

Johnny Stigler– Acting Chairman, Treasurer & Frequency Coordinator, Phone (214) 236-0222

Wayne Kube – Vice-Chairman, Phone (214) 236-0232

Tom Schuessler – Secretary

Dave Davis – Certification Chairman, Phone Number (817) 235-4300

Bill Ryan – Webmaster, Phone (214) 394-2047


Section 1. Name. The name of this organization shall be Society of Broadcast Engineers Chapter 67 Inc, herein after referred to as the Chapter.

Section 2. The Chapter. The Chapter is a non-profit professional society designed to serve the professional needs of those persons engaged in Broadcast Engineering. This includes Radio, Television and the Industry


Section 1. Each member of the Chapter shall register with the secretary of the Chapter when they join the Chapter, and April of each year, shall renew his National Society Membership. Chapter membership automatically terminates on April 1st of each year. Each member shall provide the secretary with their name, Society number, mailing address and employment affiliation.

Section 2. Each member of this Chapter shall be a member of the Society in good standing.


Section 1. The membership of the Chapter shall elect the officers; which
shall consist of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

Section 2. The terms of all officers shall be one (1) year.

Section 3. No officer shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.

Section 4. The terms of office shall run from April 1st of one year to March 31st of the next year.

Section 5. No officer shall receive any compensation for services performed in his official capacity, but officers may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of official duties.

Section 6. A vacancy in the office of Chairman shall be filled by the Vice-
Chairman. The Chairman shall fill vacancies in the other offices by appointment until the time of the next upcoming election.

Section 7. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter, and shall perform all other duties normally associated with the office.

Section 8. The Vice-Chairman shall assume the duties of the Chairman in his absence, and shall assist the Chairman and shall perform all other duties normally associated with the office.

Section 9. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of the Chapter. The Secretary shall be responsible or the circulation of meeting notices, and shall send meeting reports and attendance records to the Society Executive Secretary, and shall keep any other Chapter records as may become necessary.

Section 10. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all records and books of account of the Chapter. All of his records shall be open to inspection by officers at reasonable times. The treasurer shall generally supervise all accounts and monies of the Chapter. The treasurer shall furnish an annual financial report to the Society Treasurer and keep other financial records as may become necessary. The Treasurer shall publish an annual financial report in the April newsletter.

Section 11. The Chapter shall maintain a checking account requiring that the checks be signed by either the Chairman or the Treasurer.


Section 1. The Chairman shall appoint committees as required and for the length of time required, but not to exceed the Chairman’s term of office. Standing committees shall be appointed after each election by the new Chairman.

Section 2. Standing Committees:
a) Nominations Committee which shall consist of at least three (3) members whose duties are outlines in ARTICLE VI.

b) Election Committee which shall consist of at least three members (two tellers and one judge) whose duties are outlines in ARTICLE VI.


Section 1. A nominating Committee shall be appointed and shall consist of at least three (3) members. At least sixty (60) days prior to the date fixed for the election of officers, they shall nominate a slate of officers and notify each Chapter member by mail of the slate and the meeting when the elections will be held. The committee, when possible, shall nominate at least two (2) members for each office. Members of the Nominations and Elections committees cannot be candidates for office for that election, unless nominated at large from the floor.

Section 2. Any member of the Chapter in good standing may vote. Members will vote by secret ballot. The ballots shall be mailed prior to the election to each member of the Chapter. If member cannot be present at the election, then he may mail his ballot to reach the Secretary prior to the election.

Section 3. The Election Committee shall supervise the election, tally the votes and notify all candidates and the Secretary of the results. The Secretary shall notify the members of the results in the next mailing. The Election Committee shall act as arbiter in any election dispute.

Section 4. The annual election shall be held at the March meeting.


Section 1. The Chapter shall meet normally once a month, with the meeting dates, times and location to be determined by the Chairman, with advance notice to the Chapter membership.

Section 2. The general order of business at the meetings shall be as follows:
a) Opening
b) Report of the Secretary
c) Report of the Treasurer
d) Report of the Committees
e) Unfinished Business
f) New Business
g) Anything for the good of the Organization
h) Close

Section 3. Roberts Rules of Order, to establish procedure and insure decorum,
shall be the guide for all meetings of the chapter.

Section 4. A Quorum shall consist of at least ten percent (10%) of the registered
membership of the Chapter, including one officer of the Chapter.


Section 1. The Chapter reserves the right to discipline its members.


Section 1. The By-Laws may be amended as follows:

On either a resolution proposed by the Chapter Officers or by a petition by not less than ten percent (10%) of the Chapter members in good standing. Copies of the proposed amendment shall be published in the newsletter prior to being submitted to the Chapter membership for approval by ballot.

Section 2. Absentee ballots on the proposed amendments shall be returned to the Secretary within thirty (30) days of publishing. Any further discussion and voting shall take place at the next meeting.

Section 3. If two-thirds (2/3) or more of the votes cast are in favor of the
amendment, the amendment shall become part of the By-Laws and shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption.

Section 4. When an amendment is adopted, the Secretary shall so notify all Chapter members of such in his next mailing, and shall provide all members with a copy of the amended By-Laws as soon as possible.


Section 1. Should it become necessary to dissolve the Chapter, the assets shall be distributed as directed by the Chapter in accordance with the guidelines prescribed by the Board of Directors of the Society of Broadcast Engineers Chapter 67, Inc.


To see the Career Building benefits of membership in the SBE, please visit:   and explore the site.

Some previous meetings –

Chapter 67 Meetings in 2016
January 28 – Ray Allen from Sennheiser with the AVX system and Sennheiser Frequency Finder
February 25 – John Schaab from Modulation Index discussing Streams
March 31 – Bob Ferguson from Belden with new Broadcast and Audio products
April 28 – Dave Davis – Chapter 67 Certification Chair with an update on SBE Certification

May 26 – Neal Searls from ATC discusion about the latest on Repack as it affects DFW

June 30 – Scott Trickey PhaseCom with proper cable termination
July 28 – Lucas Hurwiz Wheatstone presented advancements in IP Audio
August 25 – Mike Van Hoser from Nova Electronics with recent projects of interest.
September 29 – Eddie Vanderkerken from Sourercer and AVBB with selected new products
October 27 – David Sanderford from Marsand with a new IP transmission and Remote Control system
November and December will be combined in early December – TBA
Chapter 67 Meetings in 2015
January 29 – GatesAir with Dave Hopson and Ron Lane
February 26 – Meeting at TM Television with Chad Rounsaval from Nexidia
March 26– Kenny Miller from Suitelife Systems – Statmon and NFB Consulting
April 30 – Ray Allen from Sennheiser – presented Wireless systems
May 28 – Dan Sessler presented the latest from RFSWorld
June 25 – Jacob Kinsey from Cobalt Digital – an interesting discussion regarding the FCC’s Audible Crawl Rule.
July 30 – Mark Tommey from Silvus presented The Never-Ending Quest for Greater Spectrum Efficiency in the 2GHz BAS Frequency Band
August 27 – Ellis Terry, with Nautel was back with new news for the Radio folks from Nautel
September 24 – TBA
October 29 – TBA
November and December will be combined in early December – TBA
Chapter 67 Meetings in 2014
January 31 – AJA Video Systems with John Ladle and Jon Rutherford
February 27 – Vislink with John Dulany
March 27 – Ensemble Designs and HDMI with John Pichitino
April 24 – Certification with Dave Davis, Chapter 67 Certification Chairman
May 29 – John Earnest from Sencore with a 2014 update
June 26 – Ellis Terry from Nautel with new products
July 24 – Open House at KERA Transmitter Site with Walt Gumbert from Rohde-Schwarz
August 28 – Innovative Monitoring, Test and Measurement with Eddy Vanderkerken
September 25 – Ted Karam from Anywave with better operating efficiency in Digital TV broadcast transmitters
October 30 – TBA
November and December will be combined in early December – TBA
Chapter 67 Meetings in 2013
January 31 – Thanks to Scott Howard, Sr. Application Engineer with Tektronix for an update on the CALM Act
February 28 – Dan Sessler presented an interesting look at RF Specialties to the group present at Los Lupes and on-line via Go To Meeting.
March 28 – Les Kutasi, Broadcast Development Manager with Dialight presented everything LED at Los Lupes Mexican Restaurant at Irving Mall.
April 25 – Howard Barouxis from Digital Rapids presented content conversion and management at Los Lupes Mexican Restaurant at Irving Mall.
May 30 – Rick Sawyer from 25-Seven Systems presented “Time Compression: New Best Friend” at J Gilligan’s in Arlington.
June 27 – Howard Barouxis, Director of S.E. USA Sales for Digital Rapids
presented a Encoding Tutorial: “Encoding for Multiple Platforms: Basics and Beyond” at J Gilligan’s in Arlington.
July 25 – Steve Dinkel, Director of North American Sales for Burk Technology, Presented “Facilities Monitoring and Control Solutions” at J Gilligan’s in Arlington
August 29 – Thanks to Chris Crump, CBNE from Comrex who Presented “IP for Remote Broadcasting: The Convergence of Radio, TV and IP” at Gilligan’s in Arlington.
September 26 – Jeff Holdenrid from DoubleRadius presented “Multiple uses for IP Microwave” at Gilligan’s
October 31 – Lukas Hurwitz, from Inovonics, presenting “RDS Messaging and More” at Gilligan’s in Arligton.
December 10th – Christmas Dinner Gala at Dunston’s Steak House Presented by Dan Sessler and RF Specialties
Chapter 67 Meetings in 2012
January 26 – Meeting and Tour at Continental
February 23 – Doug Thompson from Linear-TV gave us an update at Crystal’s
March 29 – Chapter Officer Elections and Digital Broadcast, Inc at Crystals
April 26 – Javier Castillo of LBA Technologies – Lightning at Crystal’s
May 31 – Discussion about the future direction of the Chapter and Charlie Taylor presented Digital Broadcast Inc at Crystal’s
June 28 – Bruce Patterson – UPS increased efficiency/reliability at Critical Solutions
July 26 – Bob Orban in Person – Loudness Management and Demo Truck at Crystal’s
August 30 – Warren Bottorff Linear-TV – RF Amplifier Performance Issues and Live Measurements at Crystal’s
September 27 – Fiber Optic Technology Today Mike Buchanan from Advanced Fiber Products at Crystal’s
October 25 – Preparing Broadcasters for the Challenges of IP Infrastructure Convergence with Gepco’s Eric Hall and Joesph Kiszka from LeGrand at Crystal’s
December 5 – Christmas Dinner Gala at Dunston’s Steak House Presented by Dan Sessler and RF Specialties
Chapter 67 Meetings in 2011
January 27 – Meeting at KERA-TV with Aldis Systems
February 24 – Meeting at Crystal’s with RF Specialties of Texas, Nautel and LinearTV
March 31 – Meeting at Belo HQ with Rohde & Schwarz on Mobile TV
April 28 – Meeting at Crystal’s with Digital Alert Systems on new CAPS
May 26 – Meeting at Crystal’s sponsored by and Shure Wireless
June 30 – Meeting at Crystal’s, sponsored by Sony presenting 3D TV Concepts and demonstrations
July 28 – Meeting at Crystal’s sponsored by Wheatstone presenting new digital consoles and Processing equipment
August 25 – Aaron Casey from Tubbesing presents: All you want to Know about UPS Systems at Crystal’s
September 29 – Meeting at KDTX-TV, Compression Technologies for Digital Video and Audio with Chapter 67 Secretary Joe Carter and Julian Rodriguez from UT Arlington
October 28, 29th – Gary Sgrignoli’s 8-VSB Measurement Seminar at KERA
December 1 – November and December Meetings were be combined with Telos Presenting